Behold the birds of the air

23 Nov

The wisdom of animals…

There is a church in the Swedish city of Gävle, north of Stockholm, at which a hatch in the tower has been left open since the 1980s. Over the decades of exposure to the elements, it has left the church exposed to other things as well. Generations of pigeons have taken the opportunity to express their opinion of the building and what it stands for. Two tons of opinion.

The church’s property manager says the layer of droppings was 30 centimeters (12 inches) deep when it was discovered during a May inspection of the Heliga Trefaldighets Kyrka

[. . .]

Lennart Helzenius said on Thursday that church staff had been shocked by the sheer number of bags of excrement cleaners were removing from the tower. He says the droppings filled 80 bags in the first round of cleaning, and then just as many in the second round.

I can’t help wondering how much birdshit they found as well. Nor can I help picturing the birds organising the avian equivalent of coach trips to give ‘tourist’ pigeons the golden opportunity to make a huge steaming statement on the supposed Biblical supremacy, not to mention wilful delusions, of those funny monkeys.

If nothing else, I smell a gritty Hitchcock reboot.

3 Responses to “Behold the birds of the air”

  1. 1mercian November 24, 2012 at 11:24 #

    Some years ago I worked for a building firm, and we undertook the cleaning out of a church tower that had not been entered, by a human, since the end of the War when the tower had been employed as a ‘Fire-Watch’ post. There was so much bird crap in the tower that we had to use a scew-jack to prise the trapdoor open, upon which, we were showered with tons, (or is that tonnes?), of the ‘foul’ smelling stuff which include petrified bird and animal remains, addled eggs and many unidentifable items. We moved lorry load after lorry load of muck, (say that quickly), all by hand using shovels and wheelbarrows. It is amazing how much shit that one church can produce, and that is not including the contribution the pigeons made.

  2. fkhansen February 10, 2013 at 11:09 #

    Hehe, suddenly I like pigeons just a tad more.

    • Kepler's Dream February 10, 2013 at 15:45 #

      Hi fk, good to have you aboard! Yes, pigeons clearly have more sense than most people!

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